Instructions, 1:35 German weapon station, support plan. Movable design

Instructions, 1:35 German weapon station, support plan. Movable design

This product has moveable version and stationery version. The movable one has all major parts separately made and requires assembly, better skill is required. The immovable design is easier to build, more recommended by the designer.

 Please carefully remove the grey support, please note that the resin material is very fragile, please use a sharp knife and handle with care. Pay attention to wearing protective equipment.

 Bitte entfernen Sie die graue Stütze vorsichtig, beachten Sie, dass das Harzmaterial sehr zerbrechlich ist, verwenden Sie bitte ein scharfes Messer und gehen Sie vorsichtig damit um. Achten Sie auf das Tragen von Schutzausrüstung.

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